When do I suspect that I have myopia?

We will take a look at the concept of myopia, the factors that contribute to its appearance, and how to recognize its possible symptoms and we’ll also explore when you should suspect you may have myopia and what steps you can take to see an eye doctor and get evaluation and care, so continue reading on to know more details.


What is myopia?

Myopia is a form of refractive error in the eye.

The patient sees distant objects blurry and unclear, while nearby objects are clear, as this is because in the case of myopia, the curvature of the cornea is greater than normal, or the lens of the eye refracts the light that passes through it too much, which leads to incorrect refraction of light, and thus light rays are focused in front of the retina instead of on it.

What happens when you suffer from myopia?

Difficulty seeing distant objects is one of the main signs of myopia, and it may be associated with other common symptoms, such as headaches due to eye strain and squinting in the eyes, as Myopia usually begins in children between the ages of 6 and 13, and it can have an impact on their ability to read from a distance, making them have difficulty following the blackboard at school and this problem can be a source of concern for children, and they may show this by certain behaviors, including:

  1. Sitting too close to the TV or computer, or holding their phone close to their face.
  2. Bring books closer to their faces while reading because of difficulty seeing distant words.
  3. Rub eyes frequently.
  4. Repeated headaches.
  5. Unwillingness to participate in sports activities that require concentration.

These difficulties may affect the child’s performance in school and lead to a decline in his academic performance and if you notice that your child is displaying any of these behaviors or their symptoms, it is preferable to consult an ophthalmologist to provide the necessary evaluation and care.

Am I at risk of developing myopia?

  1. Genetic factors can play a role in increasing the risk of myopia, especially if one or both parents have the condition, so it is best to have regular checkups if there is a family history of myopia.
  2. Spending a long time in front of computer screens and electronic devices can increase the risk of myopia, so it is important to take regular breaks and do eye exercises while working.
  3. The risk of developing myopia increases in people who suffer from diabetes, so people with diabetes must pay attention to their eye health and undergo regular examinations.
  4. Children who spend long periods of time in front of electronic device screens should be careful, as this behavior can increase the risk of developing myopia.

Can myopia lead to other diseases?

We will talk about some of the complications of myopia. Myopia in children may lead to other diseases such as:

  1. Strabismus: The eyes turn in different directions.
  2. Lazy eye in children: When the visual acuity in one eye is better than the other.

Myopia in adults may lead to other diseases such as:

  1. Glaucoma (high eye pressure): It is considered a complication of myopia.
  2. Retinal detachment: When the retina separates from the layer that nourishes it under it, it is an urgent condition that may cause blindness if not treated in a timely manner.
  3. Cataracts: The lens of the eye becomes cloudy, leading to the inability to see objects clearly.

How is myopia diagnosed?

  1. The doctor may ask you to read some letters on a certain board from a certain distance to measure your visual acuity.
  2. The doctor also asks you to read a chart while looking through a device that contains a variety of lenses and the doctor changes lenses and asks you how each change affects your vision and this helps him select the appropriate lens to improve your vision based on your responses.
  3. You may be given other tests depending on your doctor’s assessment and your visual needs.

If you have been diagnosed with nearsightedness, you should make regular visits to your eye doctor to monitor your condition and adjust the lenses needed to maintain your clear vision.

Types of myopia treatment

After the condition is diagnosed by a doctor, three main types of treatment can be used to treat myopia:

Prescription glasses:

 After conducting the necessary tests, the doctor writes a prescription that determines the degree of nearsightedness and many patients rely on prescription glasses to improve their vision of distant objects and ensure better vision.

contact lenses:

Contact lenses are also used to correct nearsightedness, however, care must be taken to clean the lenses carefully, as using contact lenses increases the risk of transferring germs to the eye.

Note: The degree of myopia can change over time, so when using glasses or contact lenses, there should be regular visits to the doctor to adjust the lenses so that they remain suitable for the individual’s needs.


Surgical treatment:

Ophthalmic surgery is able to significantly improve vision, as the surgeon uses a laser to reshape the cornea in order to correct myopia and there are several types of eye surgery available, including:

  1. Laser-assisted corneal correction (LASIK): The doctor creates a thin flap in the cornea and uses a laser to correct its shape and this type of surgery is very common, as the recovery period is shorter and less uncomfortable compared to some other corneal surgeries.
  2. Laser-assisted subepithelial keratomileusis (LASEK): This procedure is similar to the previous procedure, but the flap is created in only the outer layer of the cornea (epithelium).
  3. Photorefractive keratomileusis (PRK): Similar to the previous procedures, but the entire outer layer of the cornea (epithelium) is removed.
  4. Small incision lenticule excision (SMILE).
  5. It should be noted that eye surgery may not be suitable for everyone who suffers from myopia. It is important to speak with a doctor and choose the appropriate type of surgery based on your personal condition.



In conclusion, we must understand that myopia is a common condition that many people experience, and it may develop over time, as its signs and symptoms can vary from one person to another, and may be mild or very clear and if you feel any change in your vision or have any difficulty seeing things clearly, you should see an eye doctor, as early detection can help provide the appropriate care and treatments your eyes need to maintain your good vision and do not hesitate to seek medical advice when you feel any problem with your vision, as eye professionals can help you check your condition and take the necessary measures to ensure the health and clarity of your vision.


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