Hair transplant techniques in Turkey…which is better?

Hair transplantation techniques in Turkey have become the focus of widespread attention, as their superiority and effectiveness have raised the questions of many who seek to restore their hair strands and with the increasing demand for this service, many are busy wondering which is the best among the various hair transplant techniques available in Turkey, so continue reading on to find out more details.

What is meant by hair transplantation in Turkey?

The principle of this surgical procedure is based on transferring hair to the bald and thinning areas of the scalp. Patients usually resort to this surgical procedure after suffering from long-term hair loss and having tried all treatment methods, whether treating hair loss at home or through medical treatment for hair loss via Taking medications given with or without a prescription, and the plastic surgery doctor is considered the specialist in performing this surgical procedure.

In most cases, hair transplantation in Turkey does not require general anesthesia, as it is possible to suffice with local anesthesia of the scalp and then perform the operation comfortably, and however, there are some methods that cannot be performed without general anesthesia, especially the old traditional methods.

hair transplantation in Turkey

What are the conditions for hair transplantation in Turkey?

It is not as is commonly believed that every patient who suffers from hair loss must undergo a hair transplant in Turkey and his is a misconception, and not all patients are necessarily at the same level of benefit. In order for the patient to be a candidate for hair transplantation, he must meet these conditions:

Good general health.

He has good knowledge about the operation and its results.

He still has areas of the scalp containing thick hair. In this case, the results are better than for people with thin hair.

Determine the exact cause of hair loss; A patient who has a permanent cause of hair loss, such as hereditary baldness, is more suitable for transplantation than a patient whose hair loss is due to alopecia areata, in whom transplantation is not suitable.

Must be over 25 years old

Hair color may interfere with the results of hair transplantation, as results are often good in people with light hair or close to their skin color.

What are the hair transplant techniques in Turkey?

Hair transplantation techniques have developed greatly in Turkey. Modern hair transplantation methods depend on extracting hair follicles from where they are located, and transplanting them in places that do not contain hair or that have thin hair and these methods differ from the old methods of treating hereditary baldness, which depend on grafting and scalp reduction and tissue expansion.

Modern techniques are based on the principle of dealing with the follicular unit, and these techniques are called follicular unit transplantation and follicular unit extraction, as there are also other techniques developed from these two techniques, such as the Sphere technique and the DHI technique.

The first technique: follicular unit transplantation (FUT):

Hair transplantation in Turkey using the FUT technique depends on cutting out part of the skin on the back of the scalp containing the hair, and then suturing the place of the cut skin.

After that, the surgeon extracts the hair follicles from the piece that was cut from the scalp, and then transplants these follicles in the desired place and in this way, we will restore hair growth with a natural appearance.

The second technique: follicular unit extraction (FUE):

In this method, the surgeon extracts the hair follicles (also known as hair follicles) directly from the back of the scalp and after that, the surgeon makes small tunnels using a needle in the areas where the hair will be transplanted, and then the hair follicles are transplanted into these tunnels. .

It is possible to transplant hundreds or even thousands of hair follicles in one session and after completing the hair transplant procedure, we place a bandage on the scalp for several days.

Over time, this technique has become more commonly used than the first technique, FUT, which may leave a large scar after its procedure, and a discrepancy may also appear between the transplanted skin section and the surrounding area.

A single session with both techniques usually lasts about 4 hours or more, and the sutures are removed 10 days postoperatively.

We may need three to four sessions until we achieve the desired result and achieve a full head of hair after the transplantation procedure.

The third technique: Direct hair transplantation (DHI):

Hair transplantation using the DHI technique has spread recently in Turkey, as it is considered an advanced technique from the second technique, FUE, in which the surgeon uses a special pen-shaped tool, which performs the two stages at the same time (the first stage is digging the canals, and the second stage is implanting the follicles in them) and through this pen, we summarize these two stages into just one stage.

The stages of this method are as follows:

First, the hair is completely shaved and then local anesthesia is performed.

Hair transplantation in Turkey is performed using the DHI technique by extracting hair follicles using a special pen-like tool.

After that, the pen becomes loaded with hair follicles until they are transplanted into the bald area.

The surgeon gives antibiotics in the form of a cream, and applies a bandage to all areas.

It usually takes 12 to 18 months to see the full results of DHI.


Fourth technology: sapphire technology:

The Sapphire technique is considered a modified and advanced method on the FUE technique, which relies on the use of special implant surgical pens made of ruby ​​ore and this technique has helped in achieving results that are as close as possible to the natural form of hair, and we can say that the Sapphire technique is the most successful technique in achieving results and desired for hair transplantation.

The Sapphire technique is similar to the traditional FUE technique that we mentioned previously, which relies on transferring hair follicles from donor areas to hair-poor areas, but the main difference between them is in the method of opening the channels for the hair follicles within the recipient areas.

The Sapphire technique uses pens containing sapphire blades, which create V-shaped channels, instead of the steel blades used in the traditional FUE method, which create U-shaped channels in the recipient area.

One of the positives of this technique is that results that exceed possible expectations can be obtained, even in cases of severe hair loss!

A quick comparison between hair transplant techniques in Turkey

The first technique, FUT, is the cheapest and fastest among other techniques, but the problem is that it causes a long, eye-catching scar, but it may not appear if the hair is long.

By using the DHI and FUE techniques we can avoid the long scar that results from using the first technique, FUT, but these two techniques take longer and are more expensive.

Hair transplantation in Turkey for women

What are the risks of hair transplantation in Turkey? How can we solve it?!

Hair transplant surgery in Turkey is considered a safe operation if we compare it with other operations, but some complications may occur, such as post-operative pain and itching, in addition to allergic conditions that result from this procedure and we will talk about these complications in detail with the treatment method of each of them:

the pain:

Pain is one of the common complications and problems in the hair transplantation process, and patients who underwent the follicular unit extraction technique may experience pain in the donor area and this problem can be treated by giving painkillers such as ibuprofen, cetamol, and tramadol.

Swelling (edema):

Swelling that spreads over the entire face may appear on the third day after surgery and this edema begins to spread from the forehead and then to the eyelids and even the chin and the patient’s position after surgery also plays a major role in the occurrence of this swelling. To avoid the occurrence of this swelling, a position can be taken and lying on your back, avoiding the stomach-lying position or sleeping on one side.

But there is an important thing that should be taken seriously, which is the occurrence of swelling with pain and redness in the donor or recipient area, with or without heat and this condition may be serious and should be treated.


Swelling that occurs in the face early must be taken into account; Whether this swelling is accompanied by a rash or not, because this condition may herald the occurrence of an imminent allergic reaction in the patient undergoing hair transplantation, and this condition may develop into a drop in blood pressure and difficulty breathing.

Allergy may occur due to medications taken during surgery, such as antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and allergy to local anesthetics is considered rare.

To manage this condition, antihistamines can be used, and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may help relieve these symptoms faster.

Patient dissatisfaction:

It is one of the most common problems that the patient complains about after hair transplantation. Dissatisfaction may result from weak hair growth, lack of aesthetics in hair design, and loss of the transplanted hair or growth in different directions.


The scar usually forms on the back of the head, and its formation is part of the skin’s own healing process, but a wide scar may be the result of poor evaluation of the characteristics of the donor area, as young patients are usually more likely to develop extensive scarring than older patients.


How successful is hair transplantation in Turkey?!

In general, hair transplantation in Turkey is the most effective way to treat hair loss compared to other products that stimulate hair growth, but there are many factors that should be taken into consideration when performing the surgery

  1. Approximately 10 to 80% of the transplanted hair will grow within an estimated period of three to four months.
  2. As with normal hair, transplanted hair will thin over time.
  3. Some people may have dormant hair follicles, as these patients will have less transplant effectiveness than others, but some studies have confirmed the effectiveness of plasma injections in treating this problem.

Who are the candidates for hair transplantation in Turkey?

In order to achieve the greatest possible benefit from hair transplantation in Turkey, we must carefully select patients, as not all patients who suffer from hair loss are candidates for hair transplantation, and these candidates include:

Men who have male pattern baldness.

Women who have thinning hair.

Anyone who has hair loss due to a burn or injury to the scalp.

Hair transplantation is not a good option for anyone who:

Women with generalized scalp hair loss.

People who do not have sufficient hair donor areas, from which hair will be removed and transplanted into bald areas.

People who have thick hypertrophic scars resulting from previous surgery or injury.

People who have hair loss as a result of undergoing certain treatments such as chemotherapy.


In the end, obtaining a personal consultation with doctors specializing in hair transplant techniques in Turkey remains a crucial step, as striking a balance between medical expertise and the technology used contributes to achieving results that meet your expectations and give you confidence in your appearance and personal attractiveness.

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