Gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey for pregnant women

In the world of healthcare, gastric bypass in Turkey comes as an advanced and effective option for pregnant women who face health challenges that require making critical decisions to preserve their health and the health of their fetuses and gastric bypass, also known as gastric bypass, is an advanced surgical procedure based on modern technology to bring significant health benefits to pregnant women with obesity problems.


What is the relationship between gastric bypass in Turkey and pregnancy?

There is a clear relationship between gastric bypass in Turkey and pregnancy, as obesity is linked to many negative pregnancy outcomes, including miscarriage, gestational diabetes, caesarean section, and possibly congenital malformations, etc, as obesity also increases the risk of pregnancy complications, including clots and venous blood circulation and infections.

Obesity can be associated with decreased ovulation and decreased response to infertility treatment and in addition, even in women with a regular cycle, obesity is associated with delayed pregnancy despite the same frequency of intercourse, and obesity reduces male fertility parameters.

Losing weight surgically or non-surgically contributes to improving fertility, and this was demonstrated in a study in which 15 women became pregnant out of 32 women whose attempts to become pregnant before gastric sleeve surgery were unsuccessful.

In various reports, women who became pregnant after gastric sleeve had infertility rates of 15 to 44 percent before surgery.

Weight loss after gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey improves multiple hormonal changes related to polycystic ovary syndrome (eg: insulin resistance and androgen levels), thus reducing ovulation and enhancing the possibility of pregnancy in women.

In one study, 70 of 98 anovulatory women regained normal menstrual cycles after gastric sleeve surgery and patients who stopped ovulating lost significantly more weight than those who were still ovulating.

Despite this encouraging data, most experts agree that gastric sleeve is not indicated as a first-line treatment for infertility in severely obese women.

For women who remain infertile after bariatric surgery, in vitro assisted fertilization (IVF) may be considered.

Should a woman prevent pregnancy after gastric bypass surgery in Turkey?

Due to the bad correlation between gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey and pregnancy, a woman who underwent gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey must prevent pregnancy for approximately one and a half years after gastric sleeve surgery and this is done by using the best contraceptive methods for her condition, after consulting a doctor, as it should also be taken into account that oral contraceptives may not provide adequate protection against pregnancy after gastric sleeve surgery, as a reduced rate of absorption is suspected, and therefore an alternative method of contraception is recommended.


What is the appropriate time to get pregnant after gastric bypass in Turkey?

Results of a new study indicate that babies conceived less than two years after gastric sleeve surgery are 15 times more likely to be small for gestational age than babies conceived after that cutoff point.

Therefore, women are usually advised to avoid pregnancy in the first 18 months after gastric sleeve surgery, in order to try to reduce the risk of giving birth to a child of small gestational age (ie a child with a growth deficiency), because during this period weight is lost rapidly.

Gastric sleeve surgery can also affect the levels of vitamins and minerals necessary for the growth of the fetus in a pregnant woman.

Tips and instructions for women who become pregnant after gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey

A woman who became pregnant shortly after gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey, or who plans to become pregnant at any time after gastric sleeve surgery, should go to the doctor to check her levels of vitamins and minerals, and advise her about vitamin and mineral supplements.

In addition to the importance of an ultrasound examination every 4 to 6 weeks to evaluate fetal growth starting from the 24th week of pregnancy, especially in women who suffer from poor weight gain due to a possible increased risk of intrauterine growth retardation and small fetus for gestational age in cases of pregnancy after gastric sleeve surgery.

It is important to follow up with a nutritionist to ensure that you eat a healthy and balanced diet, and to identify any nutritional deficiency at an early stage so that the doctor can manage or treat it and you will also be asked to perform some blood tests.

Nutrition in case of gastric bypass in Turkey and pregnancy

Eat slowly and chew well.

Separate eating from drinking.

Stop eating when you feel full.

Eat small, intermittent meals.

Avoid foods with strong odors.

Eat cold food.

It is also beneficial to walk a short distance before a meal.

What healthy foods can be eaten during pregnancy after gastric bypass surgery in Turkey?

It is important for a pregnant woman to eat a variety of foods during pregnancy and these food groups include: protein-rich foods, fruits and vegetables, yogurt, and starchy carbohydrates such as bread, rice, pasta, and potatoes

Food priority is for foods rich in protein, such as: chicken, red meat, fish, beans, lentils, soybeans, eggs, and dairy products, where half the meal should be foods rich in protein and the other half should be vegetables or salad with carbohydrates.

Avoid high-fat and high-sugar snacks to prevent symptoms of dumping syndrome and avoid excess weight gain.

Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid throughout the day (avoid sugary drinks and alcohol).

What foods should I avoid in case of gastric bypass in Turkey and pregnancy?

Unpasteurized cow’s milk, unpasteurized yoghurt and unboiled white cheese should be avoided.

Raw and black meat (liver) should be avoided.

You should not eat large amounts of fish and tuna because they contain a large amount of mercury, which can harm the fetus.

If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, the safest way is not to drink alcohol at all, because drinking alcohol during pregnancy can lead to long-term harm to your baby, and some studies also indicate an increased risk of alcoholism after gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey.

Reduce caffeine intake by no more than 200 mg per day, noting that:

A cup of instant coffee contains 100 mg of caffeine.

A cup of tea contains 75 mg of caffeine (green tea can contain the same amount of caffeine as regular tea).

A can of Cola contains 40 mg of caffeine.

Finally, it is important for women who undergo gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey to know when they can become pregnant after gastric sleeve surgery and to be aware of the risks of early pregnancy, the benefits of delaying pregnancy, and the relationship between gastric sleeve surgery and pregnancy and this is due to insufficient nutrients for the fetus in the womb and especially during the first year after gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey, when weight loss occurs more rapidly and more, as this is why many clinical guidelines recommend that women wait 12-24 months to become pregnant.

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