Gastric balloon surgery in Turkey for slimming


We will explore the gastric balloon procedure in Turkey as a weight loss option, highlighting how it is performed and the benefits that can benefit individuals who are looking for a non-surgical solution to get rid of excess weight, so continue reading on to find out more details.

What is the gastric balloon procedure in Turkey?

Gastric balloon surgery is performed in Turkey to lose weight, as it takes about 15 to 20 minutes, and is performed laparoscopically and under general anesthesia, as balloons inside the stomach differ in terms of materials, size, duration of treatment, adjustability, and method of insertion and removal.

Generally, a gastric balloon is a soft silicone balloon (or balloons) filled with saline or air, designed to partially fill your stomach, giving you a feeling of fullness.

A gastric balloon should make you feel less hungry and full more quickly after small meals.

The mechanism of weight loss in intragastric balloon therapy is by reducing the amount of food eaten due to enhancing the feeling of fullness, and this is likely through a change in intestinal motility.

Another mechanism that may contribute to weight loss is balloon-assisted delay of gastric emptying, which has been shown to be associated with weight loss.

Any balloon with a volume of 400 ml or more can cause satiety when placed in the stomach.

What is the standard used in the gastric balloon procedure in Turkey?

The main standard used in the gastric balloon procedure in Turkey is the body mass index (BMI) and this index is used to determine whether your weight is normal for your height, and it can be calculated by dividing the body weight in kilograms by the square of the body height in metres.

If your BMI value is less than 18.5, this means you are underweight.

If your BMI value is between 18.5-24.9, this means that your weight is normal.

If your BMI value is between 25-29.9, this means that you are overweight.

If your BMI value is more than or equal to 30, this means that you are obese.

When should the gastric balloon procedure be performed in Turkey?

You may be a candidate for gastric balloon surgery in Turkey if you meet the following conditions:

Body mass index (BMI) value is between 30-40.

Willingness to commit to healthy lifestyle changes, receive regular medical follow-up, and participate in behavioral therapy.

Absence of any previous surgery on the stomach or esophagus.

Attempts to change lifestyle (healthy diet, exercise, and medications) fail to lose weight.

 If you prefer a less invasive alternative to bariatric surgery that changes the anatomy of the digestive system (sleeve and gastric bypass).


The gastric balloon in Turkey is not a suitable option for everyone who suffers from obesity and the doctor is the one who determines the extent of its benefit to the patient, through a medical examination.

Benefits of gastric balloon surgery in Turkey

The gastric balloon in Turkey alone will not make you lose weight. Weight loss will be a result of the healthy dietary changes you make, and choosing healthy, nutritious foods in small quantities will work with the balloon to help reduce your weight.

Intragastric balloons can result in a loss of 6-15% of total body weight, compared to a loss of 1-5% of total body weight resulting from lifestyle modifications alone.

Several analytical studies have found greater weight loss when using liquid-filled balloons compared to air-filled balloons.

In addition to reducing the risk of serious weight-related health problems, such as:

Gastroesophageal reflux (burning or sour sensation).

Heart disease or stroke (stroke).


Obstructive sleep apnea.

Alcoholic and non-alcoholic steatosis.

Type 2 diabetes.

We emphasize that gastric balloon surgery is not performed in Turkey or any obesity surgery is performed in Turkey (sleeve surgery, gastric bypass,…) except after the failure of non-surgical methods to lose weight, such as improving diet and exercise habits.

But will I feel the balloon in my stomach?!

There is often some discomfort during the first few days, after that, the main sensation is that of feeling full after eating or drinking.

Harmful effects of gastric balloon surgery in Turkey

The first few days after gastric balloon insertion may be difficult, as side effects after the balloon placement are usually temporary and normal, and you will be prescribed medications to relieve these side effects.

Pain and nausea:

It affects about a third of people shortly after the gastric balloon is inserted and these symptoms last for only a few days after the gastric balloon is placed and they can usually be controlled with oral medications at home.

Worsening of gastroesophageal reflux symptoms (burning sensation or sourness):

It can be improved by using a daily antacid medication (such as omeprazole).

Very rare side effects that may occur after gastric balloon placement are:

Balloon deflation:

If the gastric balloon deflates, there is a risk that it may travel through the digestive tract, as this can cause an intestinal obstruction that may require an additional procedure or surgery to remove the balloon.

Other potential risks include hyperinflation, acute pancreatitis, and ulcers or perforation of the stomach wall, which may require surgery to repair.

Call your doctor immediately if nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain occur at any time after surgery!

Tips and instructions before and after the gastric balloon procedure in Türkiye

The safety rate of gastric balloons varies depending on the type of material that filled the gastric balloon (with liquids or gas) and on the method of inserting the gastric balloon (endoscopic or swallowing)

In general, a gas-filled gastric balloon is better tolerated than a liquid-filled gastric balloon, and a swallowable balloon is safer than an endoscopically inserted balloon and therefore, diet and management of common symptoms after gastric balloon placement vary depending on the balloon.

Tips before gastric balloon surgery in Turkey

If you are going to have a balloon placed inside your stomach, the doctor will give you specific instructions on how to prepare for the operation and you may need to undergo various tests and tests before the operation.

In the time before the procedure, you may need to limit what you eat and drink, as well as the medications you take, and you may also be asked to start a physical activity program.

Tips after the gastric balloon procedure in Turkey

Six hours after the gastric balloon procedure, you can start drinking small amounts of clear liquids, as the diet remains limited to liquids in general until the beginning of the second week, and then you can start eating soft foods.

You will likely be able to start eating regular food about three weeks after your gastric balloon procedure.

All patients who have undergone gastric balloon surgery should take an antacid medication (such as omeprazole) while the balloon is in the stomach in order to reduce the risk of stomach ulcers.

Results of gastric balloon surgery in Turkey

Although gastric balloons are safe and effective in improving obesity in the short term; However, they are temporary measures, and weight is expected to be regained after their removal.

In a study of 50 patients who underwent six months of intragastric balloon treatment, only half of the patients maintained a 20% weight loss for 1 year after gastric balloon removal, while a quarter of the patients maintained the same weight loss for 5 years.

How is the gastric balloon removed in Turkey?

The gastric balloon in Turkey is designed to remain in your stomach for six months and the balloon can be removed upon completion of the treatment program or when the doctor recommends its removal.

This procedure is simple, takes about 20 minutes, and follows similar steps for balloon placement.

To remove the gastric balloon, your doctor will:

Giving you a sedative to make you comfortable.

Inserting the endoscope into your stomach through your mouth.

Puncture the balloon and withdraw the saline solution using the catheter.

Extracting the deflated balloon using an endoscope.


Finally, the gastric balloon procedure in Turkey is considered a relatively safe procedure, as you can go home after the anesthesia wears off, and you can resume all your normal activities without restrictions, including showering, swimming, and traveling by plane.

It is possible to not lose enough weight or regain weight after any type of obesity surgery, including balloon surgery, even if the procedure itself was performed correctly.

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