Dental implants in Turkey for diabetics

We will take a closer look at dental implants in Turkey and their potential for diabetics and we will discuss the new techniques used, and highlight the successes and challenges of these procedures for these patients, so are dental implants in Turkey possible and safe for diabetics? Continue reading for more details..


The effect of diabetes on the mouth and teeth:

People with diabetes have a higher potential risk of:

Dry mouth:

Uncontrolled diabetes can reduce saliva flow, leading to dry mouth, and dry mouth can lead to more pain, ulcers, infections, or tooth decay.

Gingivitis and periodontitis:

In addition to weakening white blood cells, another complication of diabetes is that it causes blood vessels to thicken and this slows the flow of nutrients to the body’s tissues and slows the transmission of infections from them, including the mouth, and then the body loses its ability to fight infections.

Since gum disease is a bacterial infection; People with uncontrolled diabetes may experience gum and soft tissue disease more frequently and more severely.

Poor healing of oral tissues:

People with uncontrolled diabetes do not recover quickly after oral surgery or other dental procedures because blood flow to the treatment site can be affected.

Oral thrush:

People with diabetes who frequently take antibiotics to combat various infections are particularly vulnerable to developing fungal infections in the mouth and tongue, as fungi grow on high glucose levels in the saliva of people with uncontrolled diabetes.

Wearing dentures (especially when they are worn frequently) can lead to fungal infections.

Burning mouth syndrome:

This condition occurs due to the presence of thrush.

People with diabetes who smoke are up to 20 times more likely to develop thrush and gum disease than non-smokers, as smoking also appears to impair blood flow to the gums, which may affect wound healing in this area of ​​tissue.

The impact of diabetes on dental implant surgery in Turkey:

Dental implants in Turkey are a safe and predictable procedure when used for dental rehabilitation for diabetic patients.

The survival rate of implants in patients with diabetes is no different from the survival rate of implants in healthy patients during the first 6 years, but in long-term observation up to 20 years, a lower survival rate of implants in patients with diabetes can be found.

Patients with poorly controlled diabetes appear to have delayed osseointegration after implantation and after one year there is no difference between diabetics and healthy individuals, not even people with uncontrolled diabetes.

Therefore, we recommend avoiding immediate loading over the dental implant, because this type of procedure is considered a sensitive procedure because it requires very strict conditions, and it is preferable to wait several months before placing new prosthetics (bridge, crown, or denture) in place of damaged teeth.

In the first years after implantation, there appears to be no increased risk of peri-implantitis, but in long-term observation, peri-implantitis appears to be increased in patients with diabetes.

Therefore, seeing a dentist when you feel any problem is useful in detecting early signs of gingivitis, which can be easily treated by cleaning the teeth or implants and maintaining oral health, which helps us avoid serious inflammation of the supporting tissues surrounding the implants.

We found that good glycemic control improves osseointegration and implant survival rate and therefore, to avoid other long-term side effects, the dentist should order a blood sugar level (HbA1c) test and if necessary, antidiabetic therapeutic measures should be improved.

There is no evidence that jaw bone augmentation procedures to compensate for bone resorption such as guided bone regeneration (GBR) and maxillary sinus lift have a higher complication or failure rate in patients with diabetes that is fairly well controlled.

To improve the survival rate of implants and reduce postoperative complications, supportive treatment consisting of prophylactic antibiotics and chlorhexidine mouth rinses is recommended.

How to maintain dental implants in Turkey?

The survival rate of dental implants in patients with diabetes and well-controlled disease appears to be as good as the general population.

It was also found that the following procedures improve the survival rate of implants for diabetic patients:

Use antibiotics preventively for several days upon transplantation for fear of infection (provided that this is under the supervision of the doctor supervising your case).

Use the full course of antibiotics prescribed.

Rinsing the mouth with mouthwashes (chlorhexidine) is an addition to maintaining oral health.

Dental implants coated with bioactive materials.

Implants of greater width and length.

It is recommended to postpone implant placement for a patient who suffers from uncontrolled diabetes (when the blood sugar level is high) until the management of the disease is established.

Stages of dental implants in Turkey

Is dental implant surgery in Turkey suitable for everyone?

Performing dental implants in Turkey is an effective reconstructive option for patients at all stages of life, as the qualified doctor evaluates the patient’s comprehensive health condition and disease history, with the aim of determining his suitability for these procedures.


The success rate of dental implants in Turkey is high, with most implants typically lasting more than ten years effectively when receiving the necessary care and the implant structure is made of titanium, a biocompatible material that fuses with the jawbone, providing a strong foundation for the restoration and this fusion process can take several months and is essential for long-term stability of the implant.

Age should never be considered a determinant in assessing a patient’s suitability for dental implants in Turkey, as the disease and overall health history are relied upon, as patients over and under the age of sixteen are considered eligible for this type of procedure, and the same applies to elderly patients and age alone should not be considered a factor to deny individuals the opportunity to benefit from this technology.


For patients with jaw bone deterioration due to tooth loss or gum problems, orthotics may be necessary before dental implants are performed, as this procedure contributes to the restoration of lost bone volume in the jaw, providing the necessary support for the implant and determining its future success.

Can dental implants fail in Turkey for diabetics?

It is important to ensure that the dentist performing the implant surgery has the necessary experience and qualifications and if the procedure is not performed correctly, complications may result, and infection is a factor to consider, as bacteria can infiltrate the area around the implant and cause adverse effects and if this occurs, it may be necessary to remove and replace the implant.


To avoid dental implant failure in Turkey, patients must commit to practicing good oral hygiene and visit the dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings and in addition, they should inform their dentist if they feel any pain, swelling, or discomfort in the implant area, as these symptoms could be a sign of infection.

In conclusion, it clearly shows that dental implants in Turkey represent a possible and effective option for diabetics who suffer from dental health problems, as modern implant techniques in this beautiful country offer excellent opportunities to improve the oral functions and aesthetic appearance of patients, taking into account the individual circumstances and health challenges that diabetics may face.


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