Cosmetic dentistry in Turkey.. everything you want to know about it

 Cosmetic dentistry in Turkey has become an available and tempting option for many people seeking to improve the beauty and health of their teeth and in this age that pays special attention to the external appearance, improving the smile and the beauty of the teeth is an important step and we will explore everything you need to know about this amazing field, from modern beauty techniques to prices and quality of services and we wish you an enjoyable read.


What is cosmetic dentistry in Turkey?

It is the section that focuses on improving the appearance and aesthetics of the smile, as it includes many procedures, including teeth whitening in Turkey, veneers, crowns and bridges, cosmetic fillings, implants, and gum beautification through grafting.

Through cosmetic dentistry we get many benefits, including:

Improve the appearance of your smile.

Improving dental occlusion and overall oral health.

Boost self-confidence.

When should teeth be cosmetic in Turkey?

Teeth should be cosmetic in Turkey if one of the following conditions exists:

Discolored teeth

Severely misshapen teeth are perhaps the most common problem in cosmetic dentistry and over time, teeth can become discolored as a result of drinking beverages such as red wine, coffee, and tea and discoloration can also occur as a result of medications, aging, smoking cigarettes, or chewing tobacco.

Missing teeth

When you lose a tooth, you lose more than a smile and if it is not replaced quickly, bite function decreases dramatically, and the jawbone will begin to atrophy, causing a sunken appearance in the face that makes the individual appear older.

Cracked teeth

With age, the structure of the teeth becomes weak without pain or obvious problems, so cracked teeth must be taken seriously, because the teeth have become more susceptible to cavities, and if they are not treated over time, the risk of losing the teeth increases completely.

Gaps or spaces between teeth

Food particles can accumulate inside these gaps, and may cause plaque and tartar to form inside these spaces.

Misaligned teeth

Misaligned teeth must be repaired because of the difficulty of keeping these teeth clean, which leads to many problems.


Types of cosmetic dentistry in Turkey

Below we will learn together about the types of cosmetic dentistry:

Teeth whitening in Turkey

Over time, teeth can become stained or discolored, especially after smoking, taking certain medications, or consuming foods and drinks such as coffee and tea and using a specific chemical process, the doctor can whiten teeth in Turkey in one of two ways and either in the clinic or at home.

However, we note that teeth can become stained again if the patient continues to expose them to the same materials that originally stained them, since whitening products are not intended to clean teeth and it is still important to continue cleaning the mouth on a daily basis by brushing twice a day, flossing at least once a day, and rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash daily as well.

Dental veneer installation in Turkey

They are thin strips, precisely manufactured to fit the visible surface of the front teeth, much like placing a false fingernail over the original nail and dental veneers in Turkey are considered an ideal way to treat misshapen teeth, fill gaps between front teeth, or repair cracks and fractures.

It is prepared by removing a small layer of tooth enamel, usually the same thickness as the veneer and the dentist then takes an impression and sends it to the laboratory where the veneer is manufactured, and the veneer is then bonded to the tooth.

There are three types of veneers:

  1. Direct composite veneers: It is a veneer made of composite resin, as it is applied directly to the teeth and the application does not take a long time.
  2. Indirect composite veneers: They do not differ from direct composite veneers in terms of manufacturing materials, but they differ in terms of application, as the teeth are prepared outside the mouth at dental laboratories and then the dentist glues them to the tooth, but they cost more than direct veneers. .
  3. Porcelain veneers: Specially made from porcelain. The dentist takes an impression of the teeth, and the veneer is made on the impression model in the dental laboratory, as it may take a week or more, and then it is installed like indirect veneer.


Dental implants in Turkey

Dental implants in Turkey are an alternative to dentures and bridges, but they are more expensive and implants are titanium screws that are surgically placed in the jawbone and act as anchors to attach dentures or crowns to them.


Gum plastic surgery in Turkey

There are two types of gum beautification, let’s get to know them:

  1. Gum graft: Treats gingival recession, a condition in which gums pull away from teeth and expose the roots underneath, as exposed tooth roots increase the risk of tooth decay, sensitivity, and bone loss around the teeth and gum grafting replaces lost tissue around teeth and improves overall oral health.
  2. Gum Reshaping: Gum reshaping can improve a “gummy” smile in which teeth appear too short, or where the gum line appears uneven and a small amount of gum tissue – and excess bone tissue if necessary – is removed to expose more teeth and this can be done for a single tooth up to the gum line, or for multiple teeth to create a natural smile.

Dental crowns in Turkey

A crown is a tooth-shaped “cap” that is placed over a weak or damaged tooth to improve its shape, size, strength, or appearance and most crowns last 5 to 15 years and can be made of metal, porcelain fused to metal, resin, or ceramic.

Dental bridge installation in Turkey

A fixed (permanent) bridge replaces one or more teeth by placing crowns on the teeth on either side of the missing tooth and attach artificial teeth to them, and bridges are ideal for people who do not like dentures, and have a small number of missing teeth.

A dental bridge in Turkey is usually made by attaching an artificial tooth in the middle and the bridge cannot be removed, these bridges are usually made of precious metals bonded to porcelain and sometimes other non-precious metals are used in the base to give it extra strength.

Dental implant costs in Turkey

Orthodontics in Turkey 

Braces can correct misaligned teeth and can improve the health and appearance of anyone’s smile, adult or child and brackets work by applying constant pressure over time to slowly move the teeth into alignment with each other.

Cosmetic fillings in Turkey

Existing gaskets sometimes need to be replaced due to wear or cracking and many people take this opportunity to replace silver amalgam fillings with composite fillings.

Hollywood smile in Turkey

Hollywood smile in Turkey, that bright and beautiful smile that distinguished Hollywood stars, has become synonymous with attractiveness and confidence and it’s not just a smile, it’s a masterpiece that combines sparkling white teeth with symmetrical teeth.

Cosmetic dental procedures in Turkey, such as teeth whitening and smile correction, can fulfill the dream of having a Hollywood smile and from improving the color of teeth to correcting their orientation, a Hollywood smile exudes luxury and elegance.


Advantages of cosmetic dentistry in Turkey

  1. Improving the patient’s smile.
  2. Boost self-confidence.
  3. Improving the shape of teeth.
  4. Make dull teeth brighter.
  5. Teeth balance and coordination.

Disadvantages of cosmetic dentistry in Turkey

  1. Some types of cosmetics are expensive.
  2. Insurance companies do not insure the necessary costs.
  3. Some types of cosmetic surgery require removing part of the tooth enamel, such as veneers, crowns, and bridges.
  4. Cosmetic teeth need a certain level of commitment and maintenance, like veneers, which need to be replaced every few years.


Cosmetic dentistry in Turkey is not just about fixing molars, but rather an investment in confidence and attractiveness and after gaining more knowledge about advanced cosmetic methods and being directed to leading markets, we hope that your new smile will be the beginning of a new chapter of confidence and happiness.

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