Wisdom tooth extraction in Türkiye 2024

In Turkey, wisdom teeth extraction has become a popular medical procedure for many individuals looking for convenience and high quality of medical service and medicine in Turkey is characterized by advanced technologies and qualified medical teams, making it an ideal destination for oral and dental health care and in this context, we will take a closer look at the importance and popularity of wisdom tooth extraction in Turkey in this medically advanced country.

Wisdom tooth extraction in Turkey

Wisdom tooth extraction is a common medical procedure in Turkey, where the operations are professional and modern in technology and many resort to this procedure to avoid possible problems related to unhealthy growth of wisdom teeth, as Turkey, thanks to its advanced medical facilities, has become a preferred destination for oral health care, making wisdom teeth extraction a safe and effective experience in this advanced medical context.

When is wisdom tooth extraction performed in Turkey?

  1. When an erupting wisdom tooth causes severe pain or swelling, it is best to have it extracted to avoid chronic health problems.
  2. If there is a lack of space in the jaws, the growth of a wisdom tooth may cause excessive pressure on other teeth, requiring it to be extracted.
  3. In some cases, wisdom teeth can grow in an unhealthy direction, affecting neighboring molars or causing an abnormal orientation of the jaw.
  4. If your wisdom tooth is severely decayed or damaged, the best option may be to have it extracted to prevent further health problems.

Determining the need for wisdom teeth extraction requires careful evaluation by a dentist, who decides whether extraction is necessary to maintain oral health.

Risks resulting from wisdom tooth extraction in Turkey

The patient may feel swelling and pain in the extraction area after surgery, which are normal phenomena that last for a short period.

Minor bleeding can occur after extraction, and in some rare cases, medical intervention may be required to control the bleeding.

Inflammation of the gums or jaw can occur as a result of surgery, but this condition can usually be controlled with specific personal care instructions.

Damage to nearby nerves or teeth may occur during the extraction process, which can cause numbness or sensitivity.

In some cases, a heel pocket (sinus sinus) may form around the extracted tooth, a place where food and germs can collect, requiring special care.

Rare complications can include transmission of infection, allergic reactions to medications, or delayed healing.

To reduce these risks, the patient should follow the dentist’s postoperative instructions and adhere to proper wound care.

How do you prepare for a wisdom tooth extraction procedure in Turkey?

  1. Before deciding to remove wisdom teeth, a careful examination of the mouth and teeth must be performed by a dentist and your doctor can evaluate the tooth’s need for extraction and talk with you about the steps and potential risks.
  2. X-rays of the jaws may be ordered to evaluate the location and angle of growth of the wisdom tooth and the surrounding bone structure.
  3. The doctor must know the details of your general health condition and medical history, as this affects the decision-making process regarding the possibility of tooth extraction.
  4. Preparations may include instructing the patient about fasting before surgery, and providing guidance on medications to avoid before the procedure.
  5. You will need to decide whether your surgery will take place in a clinic or in a hospital, and in more complex cases of surgery, you may be asked to arrange support for another person to help you get home.
  6. Psychological preparation may play an important role in avoiding stress and anxiety and you can discuss your concerns and expectations with your dentist to ensure you fully understand the procedure and what to expect after surgery.

Always remember that these procedures depend on the individual case and should be done in consultation with your dentist.

Steps for wisdom tooth extraction in Turkey

  1. The dentist evaluates the condition of the wisdom tooth through a clinical examination and x-ray to determine the location of the tooth and guide it for extraction.
  2. The patient is given anesthesia to make the area around the tooth pain-free during surgery.
  3. The dentist slightly opens the gum area surrounding the tooth using surgical tools.
  4. Part of the bone surrounding the molar may need to be removed using a drill or surgical scalpel.
  5. If the tooth is large or impacted, the doctor may divide it into parts to facilitate the extraction process.
  6. Special tools are used to pick up and release the molar from its socket, and this may require releasing or removing surrounding tissue if it is attached to the tooth.
  7. After extraction, bleeding is controlled and the area is disinfected by rinsing the mouth with saline solution.
  8. In some cases, the wound is closed with stitches or an opening is left open to facilitate wound healing.
  9. The dentist provides detailed instructions for caring for the incision area and prescribed medications to relieve pain and reduce swelling.
  10. A follow-up appointment is scheduled to check the progress of healing and ensure that there are no complications.

The importance of performing these operations under the supervision and guidance of a qualified dentist is always emphasized to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the procedure.

What type of anesthesia is used in wisdom tooth extraction in Turkey?

Local anesthesia or general anesthesia is used when performing a wisdom tooth extraction, and this depends on several factors, including the doctor’s expectations and the patient’s health condition.

  1. Local anesthesia:

   – An anesthetic substance is injected locally into the gums surrounding the tooth to be extracted.

   This anesthesia leads to a loss of sensation in the surrounding area, which often makes the surgery performed comfortably without feeling pain.

  1. General anesthesia:

   – In cases of extraction that may be more complicated or if several molars need to be extracted, general anesthesia may be used.

– General anesthesia puts the patient in a deep sleep during surgery, and it is preferred in some cases to ensure the patient’s comfort and facilitate the surgeon’s work.

The doctor decides the appropriate type of anesthesia based on his assessment of the patient’s condition and the complexity of the scheduled operation, as it is always best for the patient to discuss these options with their dentist before surgery to understand the options available and set the stage for a more comfortable wisdom tooth extraction experience.

How long is a wisdom tooth extraction procedure likely to take in Turkey?

The duration of the wisdom tooth extraction procedure depends on several factors, including the complexity of the case, the location of the tooth, and the type of anesthesia used and mostly, the duration can be estimated based on the following:

  1. If the tooth is in a suitable position and there are no complications, the extraction can take about 15 to 30 minutes.
  2. If there are complications such as an impacted tooth or an unhealthy tooth orientation, the extraction may take longer, and can take about 45 minutes to an hour or more.
  3. The use of local anesthesia can result in a faster extraction while general anesthesia may prolong the extraction process.
  4. The patient should keep in mind that the total time is not only limited to the surgery itself, but also includes the postoperative recovery time.

Tips after wisdom tooth extraction in Turkey

  1. An ice pack wrapped in a thin tissue can be placed on the cheek adjacent to the extraction site to reduce swelling and relieve pain.
  2. The doctor can prescribe pain medications or NSAIDs to help reduce pain and swelling.
  3. You should avoid any strenuous activity the day after surgery and rest for 24 to 48 hours.
  4. It is best to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for a period after surgery, as they can negatively affect the healing process.
  5. Eat soft, cold or lukewarm food for two days after surgery, and avoid hard or hot foods that can cause discomfort.
  6. You should follow the oral care instructions provided by your doctor, clean the mouth gently and avoid vigorous rinsing.
  7. It is important to adhere to the scheduled follow-up with the dentist to check the healing process and ensure that there are no problems.

The patient should always consult a dentist for specific instructions and guidance for the postoperative period based on his or her individual condition.

Do infected wisdom teeth cause damage to other teeth?

Yes, infected wisdom teeth can cause damage to other teeth if there is not enough room for them to grow or if they are oriented unhealthy and here are some ways that affected wisdom teeth can affect other teeth:

  1. When there is not enough space for a wisdom tooth to grow, it may begin to put pressure on the running teeth, causing them to move or change their orientation.
  2. If wisdom teeth grow in an unhealthy direction, this may cause distortions in the orientation of other teeth, and may affect the balance of the jaws.
  3. Unhealthy growth of wisdom teeth may cause inflammation and swelling, which leads to pain and may affect adjacent teeth.
  4. Wisdom teeth can be difficult to clean properly, which increases the risk of tooth decay and gingivitis in this area.

In conclusion, wisdom teeth extraction in Turkey stands out as an effective and reliable option for dental health care and advanced surgical techniques and comprehensive care make it possible to perform the procedure efficiently and comfortably and added to this is the professional service and effective communication with the doctor teams, making the wisdom tooth extraction experience in Turkey a popular choice among those looking for quality and taking care of their oral health and with its warm reception and medical quality, Turkey strengthens its position as a desirable destination for medical care, and contributes to improving the quality of life of those seeking comfort and distinguished care

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