What are the causes of transplanted hair loss?

Hair transplantation in Turkey is an effective solution to the problem of hair loss, but there are factors that must be taken into consideration to achieve sustainable success of this procedure and we will explore the causes of transplanted hair loss and provide tips on how to avoid this problem and maintain hair transplant results.

Causes of transplanted hair loss and how to avoid them

  1. Genetic factors play a crucial role in your hair transplant experience. Genetic techniques can affect the persistence of results, as it is necessary to understand the effect of genetics on the loss of transplanted hair and plan accordingly.
  2. A healthy diet contributes to maintaining the health of the transplanted hair.
  3. To maintain good hair transplant results, we must have a correct care routine.
  4. Environmental factors such as pollution and hair not being protected from external factors, such as harmful sunlight, occur.

Failure to follow your doctor’s directions can have a significant impact on the results of hair transplantation in Turkey


Details of the hair transplant procedure in Turkey – from consultation to successful results

  1. The hair transplant process in Turkey begins with an initial consultation with a specialist doctor, at this stage, the condition of hair loss is evaluated, the expected goals are determined, and the options available to the patient are discussed.
  2. After the donor area is identified, it is locally anesthetized, as then the surgeon collects individual hair units (grafts) from this area using modern methods to preserve the natural shape of the hair.
  3. The graphite is carefully prepared to ensure its continuity and quality and this step depends on the skill of the medical team in separating the graphite and storing it correctly.
  4. While the graft is being prepared, the recipient area is being prepared to receive the implant and this includes making small incisions in the scalp and distributing them appropriately to ensure a natural distribution of hair.
  5. Here comes the importance of the transplantation technique, as the graphite is carefully planted in the previously prepared holes and the direction and angle of implantation are taken into account to obtain natural results and hair efficiency.
  6. The doctor provides directions for aftercare, including specific medications and how to care for the transplanted hair and adherence to these instructions plays a major role in the success of the operation.
  7. The results of hair transplantation in Turkey need time to appear completely, as the patient must wait patiently until they see satisfactory final results.

Hair transplantation in Turkey is an effective procedure to restore lost hair and the details of the procedure require precision and attention to detail by the surgeon and medical team and by adhering to the right steps, the patient can enjoy natural and aesthetic results for a long time.

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Genetic factors and their impact on the results of hair transplantation in Turkey

Genetic factors are important in determining our physical characteristics and the genes related to our hair growth, as these traits are passed down from generation to generation, and play a crucial role in our experience with hair loss and hair transplantation.

Research shows that genes affect the success of hair transplantation in Turkey and this means that people with hair loss due to genetic factors may require special attention during the procedure and ongoing care to maintain the results.

Frequent hair loss runs in the family and is sometimes part of heredity and this type of hair loss is called hereditary hair loss, and it can have an impact on the final results of a hair transplant in Turkey.

Before undergoing a hair transplant in Turkey, individuals with a hereditary history of hair loss are advised to consult a geneticist and a specialist can provide an accurate genetic risk assessment and specific guidance for better outcomes.

Hair transplantation techniques have evolved in Turkey to allow doctors to deal with the challenges of hereditary hair loss and implanting at a natural angle and direction promotes natural results, even in cases of hereditary loss.

Due to the influence of genetic factors on the results, individuals undergoing hair transplantation must pay attention to ongoing care and using healthy products and adhering to the doctor’s instructions play an important role in maintaining the transplanted hair.




Secrets of caring for hair transplanted in Turkey – your guide to preventing hair loss

  1. Adherence to the doctor’s instructions is essential to maintaining the results of hair transplantation in Turkey and the patient must understand and follow the advice given after the procedure, including the use of prescribed medications and products.
  2. Good hygiene keeps the transplanted hair healthy, as it is preferable to use shampoo and conditioner products designed for transplanted hair to maintain moisture and gently cleanse the scalp.
  3. It is recommended to avoid exposure to harmful factors such as direct sunlight and smoking, as these factors can affect the health of the transplanted hair and contribute to possible loss.
  4. Harsh styling and excessive pulling of the transplanted hair should be avoided and using a soft brush and avoiding strong braiding reduces hair preparation and preserves results.
  5. Seasonal hair loss is normal, but steps can be taken to reduce its effect on the transplanted hair, as it includes using products that promote hair growth and strengthening.
  6. Proper nutrition plays a vital role in the health of the transplanted hair and continues to eat food rich in vitamins and minerals to promote hair growth and resistance to hair loss.
  7. The patient should make periodic visits to the doctor to check the progress of the transplanted hair and provide any additional directions and this contributes to achieving the best results.

The role of proper nutrition in maintaining the results of hair transplantation in Turkey 

Proper nutrition plays a key role in stimulating hair growth and strengthening and vital vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, B, iron and zinc, are essential for good results after hair transplantation.

Protein is essential for building and strengthening hair, as it is preferable to eat sources rich in protein, such as plant and animal meat, eggs, and fish, to support transplanted hair.

The vitamins and minerals found in proper nutrition play a role in improving blood circulation to the scalp and this enhances the supply of food and oxygen to the transplanted hair follicles, which contributes to healthy growth.

Certain nutrients, such as iron and zinc, contribute to combating the negative effects of hair loss, which can be especially crucial for individuals with hereditary hair loss.

Supplements can be necessary to meet daily nutritional needs, but it is best to consult a doctor before taking any supplements to ensure a healthy balance.

Maintaining good hydration by drinking adequate amounts of water helps support hair and scalp health, as water helps transport nutrients to the hair follicles.

The effect of foods rich in fat and sugar on the overall health of the body is also reflected in the hair and it is best to avoid these foods to keep hair healthy.



The effect of environmental factors on the continued growth of hair transplanted in Turkey

Harmful sunlight is one of the biggest environmental challenges, as it is preferable to protect the transplanted hair from direct sunlight by using a hat or umbrella to reduce the effect of harmful ultraviolet rays.

Environmental pollution can lead to the accumulation of pollutants on the scalp and hair, exposing the transplanted hair to harmful effects and individuals should wash their hair regularly using appropriate products to get rid of residue.

Extreme high or low temperatures can affect the transplanted hair. Individuals should avoid exposure to extreme weather conditions as much as possible and use protection such as hats or umbrellas.

Excess or deficiency of moisture can affect the health of the transplanted hair. Using appropriate moisturizing products and maintaining moisture balance helps avoid negative effects.

The use of sunscreen and appropriate care products can have a positive impact on maintaining the health of transplanted hair in the face of environmental challenges.

Regular scalp care includes washing regularly and using special products for the transplanted hair to keep it clean and strong.

Regular check-up visits to the doctor can help verify the health of the transplanted hair and provide additional care guidance.



Potential health problems and their impact on the results of hair transplantation in Turkey

  1. Chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease may affect the wound healing process and the success of hair transplantation, as individuals suffering from chronic diseases are advised to consult doctors to ensure they are prepared for the procedure.
  2. Some medications may cause side effects that affect hair growth or wound healing processes. Individuals must inform the treating medical team of all medications they are taking prior to the procedure.
  3. Scalp problems such as infections or severe itching can hinder the wound healing process and affect the growth of the transplanted hair and good scalp care after transplantation plays an important role in avoiding these problems.
  4. Lack of essential nutrients can affect the health of the transplanted hair, as it is preferable to determine vitamin and mineral levels before planting and take necessary measures to compensate for any deficiencies.
  5. Disturbances in the immune system may affect the hair transplantation process and individuals with immune system problems should consult doctors to evaluate the impact on results.
  6. Smoking tobacco and consuming alcohol in large quantities can harm hair health and affect the results of hair transplantation, as abstaining from these habits can contribute to enhancing the success of the operation.
  7. Lack of sleep and high levels of stress can weaken the immune system and affect hair growth and individuals should provide a calm environment and get enough sleep to support the wound healing process.

In conclusion, we realize that loss of transplanted hair can be a temporary challenge for individuals undergoing hair transplantation, however, understanding the causes of this loss and taking the right steps can contribute significantly to overcoming these challenges, as it is important to take care of the scalp and carefully follow the directions of the medical team and patience and understanding are encouraged that this phenomenon is part of the process of wound healing and hair adapting to its new location and with continued medical care and follow-up, individuals can enjoy hair transplant results that enhance self-confidence and restore hair radiance.

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