Care before gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey

We will review some aspects of care before gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey, the necessary care that individuals must take before undergoing gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey, highlighting the health and psychological matters that can contribute to the success of the operation and achieving the desired health transformation, so continue reading to learn more information and details.

What is obesity?

Obesity is a multifactorial disease, that is, it is linked to many genetic, hereditary and metabolic factors, and is characterized by the accumulation of excessive fat within the body.

Obesity is a common disorder that affects any age, especially adults and children, and is often caused by excessive calorie consumption and lack of physical activity.

Obesity is diagnosed in several ways, the most important and common of which is calculating a person’s body mass index (BMI). BMI is body weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters.

Obesity classification according to body mass index is:

Ideal (normal) weight: BMI between 18.5 and 24.9.

Overweight: BMI between 25 and 29.5.

Obesity: Body mass index of 30 or more.

Types of obesity operations in Turkey

Weight-loss surgery is often used after other steps, such as lifestyle modifications and exercise, have failed, but bariatric surgery is not suitable for all people who are obese and severely overweight.

The most common types of obesity surgeries in Turkey are:

Gastric bypass:

This surgical procedure is not reversible, and works by reducing food intake and reducing food absorption.

Gastric bypass in Turkey:

Gastric bypass surgery in Turkey includes two steps, the first is similar to gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey, and the second involves connecting and connecting the last part of the intestine to the duodenum near the stomach, thus bypassing the majority of the intestine, and it also works by reducing food and reducing the absorption of nutrients.

Gastric sleeve in Turkey:

In the gastric sleeve operation in Turkey, the stomach is cut and about 80% of its size is removed, as it works like a gastric bypass operation (stomach pouch) by reducing the amount of food eaten and this removal also causes the production of a smaller amount of hormones responsible for regulating appetite, thus reducing the desire to eat.

What is the gastric sleeve procedure in Turkey?

Gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey is one of the methods of weight loss surgery performed to treat obesity and associated diseases, such as (high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer), and it is the most common obesity surgery.

The surgeon cuts and cuts the stomach into two parts, then removes about 80% of it, then staples or sutures the edges of the remaining part, resulting in a reduction of the stomach and a stomach in the shape of a tube or a banana.

Gastric sleeve surgery is performed in Turkey by inserting an endoscope through incisions in the abdominal wall and this operation usually takes about an hour and is performed under general anesthesia.

Gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey is generally performed after trials and attempts to lose weight, by modifying the diet and exercising.

According to some studies, you can expect to lose 50% of weight within 18 to 24 months after surgery, and this requires adherence to an ideal diet and exercise.

Gastric sleeve in Türkiye

What are the benefits and advantages of gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey?

Significant long-term weight loss and hunger reduction.

Increases life expectancy, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, in addition to improving respiratory disorders and improving sleep in obese patients.

Gastric sleeve reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Improving inflammatory markers, as a significant decrease in levels of the reactionary inflammatory protein CRP and a decrease in cytokines was observed, which improved inflammation and chronic diseases associated with obesity.

Reduced levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, and LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Reduced incidence of gout attacks by lowering uric acid levels.

Improving diseases related to obesity, such as diabetes, as studies have shown that gastric sleeve surgery with medical treatment is more effective in reducing high blood sugar compared to medical treatment alone. It also increases insulin sensitivity, which helps in controlling blood sugar values.

What are the risks of gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey?

Although gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey is considered a safe surgical procedure, it – like all major surgical operations – carries a number of risks and complications, including:

Bleeding: Bleeding may occur from the wound site or bleeding inside the body, and this bleeding may lead to hemorrhagic shock.

Arrhythmia: Surgery may make arrhythmias worse.

Formation of blood clots within the deep veins: Surgery and the postoperative period may lead to the formation of blood clots within the deep veins, especially the leg veins.

Vitamin deficiency: Reducing the size of your stomach leads to decreased absorption of vitamins and many nutrients.

Stomach leakage: Stomach fluids can leak from the surgical line.

Burning sensation (gastroesophageal reflux): Gastric sleeve and reshaping may cause or exacerbate the burning sensation.

Stricture: Part of the sleeved stomach can become blocked, causing stomach obstruction.

What diet should be followed before gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey?

A specific diet is usually imposed that you must follow two weeks before surgery, which includes the following details:

Reducing calories, such as those found in abundance in carbohydrates, such as sweets, potatoes, and pasta.

Lots of vegetables and low-calorie liquids.

To ensure better results after gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey, it is important to start this diet developed with the help of a doctor specializing in nutrition, two to three weeks before surgery, and it includes following the following tips:

A low-carb diet, especially quickly absorbed carbohydrates (such as sugars found in sweets and soft drinks), and the carbohydrates found in bread and pasta are not bad in themselves, but their intake should be limited.

A diet rich in protein, as it is preferable to eat 60 grams of protein daily, and common sources rich in protein are (chicken meat, salmon, and eggs).

Avoid foods containing harmful fats (which are low-density fats), and focus on beneficial fats (which are high-density fats). These fats are found in nuts and fish.

Reducing fats found in butter and oils.

Drink large amounts of water during these weeks.

Avoid excessive soft drinks.

This limited diet and small meals may cause some nutritional deficiencies, so it is important to eat fruits, vitamins, and supplements.

Two days before surgery, the diet to be followed will be clear liquids without caffeine and tea, while avoiding soft drinks.

The day before surgery, stop eating and drinking water from 10 p.m.

You must stop taking blood thinners before surgery, based on your doctor’s advice, and stop taking all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen).

What are the laboratory and radiological tests before gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey?

CBC blood components analysis.

Iron and folic acid levels.

Vitamin levels.

Electrolyte levels (sodium, potassium, and calcium).

Metabolic functions of the body.

Coagulation trichomes.


Ultrasound (echo) is necessary in some cases of bariatric surgery, depending on whether the patient has had previous bariatric surgery or any surgical procedure that may affect the anatomy of the gastrointestinal tract.

Esophageal and gastric endoscopy is not a routine procedure before gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey, but it is preferable to perform endoscopy in some cases, such as the presence of serious gastrointestinal disorders and problems.

What tips should be followed before gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey?

It is important to know that obesity treatment is not available to all people and patients and to everyone who is severely overweight, so you may be required to adhere to some guidelines in order to qualify for weight loss and gastric sleeve surgery.

It is important to adhere to a specific diet before surgery, and to be prepared to make permanent changes to your lifestyle and diet.

You must undergo a comprehensive evaluation and a series of extensive examinations before starting surgery to ensure that the problem is resolved and that you obtain better results.

The evaluation must be conducted by an integrated medical team with experience in this field, which includes nutritionists, anesthesiologists, cardiologists, and surgeons, as it includes an evaluation of medical, family, and surgical history and social factors, in addition to a psychological evaluation to identify psychological disorders such as depression, eating disorders, and previous weight loss attempts.

Quit smoking and abstain from alcohol before surgery.

Follow a weight loss plan, setting and monitoring weight loss goals, such as expecting to lose 50-60% of weight within the first two years.

In conclusion, we find that gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey is one of the most important methods of obesity surgery that carries many benefits, and includes making changes to the digestive system to help you lose weight and get rid of obesity and this operation is performed if diet and exercise fail, or when there are serious medical and health problems related to your excess weight.

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