Installing a dental bridge in Turkey.. everything you need to know about it

We will explore the concept of installing a dental bridge in Turkey, highlighting the benefits and alternatives available, and we will give you a comprehensive overview of what a dental bridge is and how this procedure can improve your oral health and smile, and we will also help you understand the options available to you to achieve the best results and achieve a bright, healthy smile and we hope you enjoy reading.


What is the process of installing a dental bridge in Turkey?

Dental bridge installation in Turkey is a medical and cosmetic procedure used to replace one or more missing teeth and a dental bridge is designed to fill the gap that results from tooth loss and restore oral function and the appearance of the smile

What is a dental bridge made of?

  1. Artificial guides (their number can vary): These artificial guides are fitted over the teeth adjacent to the gap where the teeth were missing and these adjacent teeth are called “abutment teeth,” which are used to securely hold the bridge in place.
  2. Artificial teeth (dolls): These artificial teeth are installed in the location where teeth were lost, helping to restore the function and natural appearance of the smile.
  3. Materials used to manufacture the bridge: A variety of materials are used to manufacture bridges, including gold, alloy, porcelain, zirconium, or a combination of these materials depending on the patient’s needs and desired appearance.

What are the types of dental bridges in Turkey?

Below we will talk about the types of dental bridge in Turkey:

Traditional dental bridges:

A traditional Turkish dental bridge consists of a false tooth or teeth held in place by dental crowns that are glued to the supporting teeth, as a traditional bridge is the most common type of dental bridge and can be used when you have natural teeth on either side of the gap caused by missing teeth.

Maryland Bridge:

Similar to a traditional bridge, a Maryland bridge uses one natural abutment tooth on either end of the gap, whereas a traditional bridge uses dental crowns on the abutment teeth and a Maryland bridge uses a metal or porcelain frame that is bonded to the inner surface of the abutment teeth like a traditional bridge and a Maryland Bridge can only be used when you have a natural tooth on each side of the gap created by the missing tooth.

Turkey winged dental bridge:

Although it looks similar to a traditional bridge, this type of dental bridge in Turkey is held in place by a dental crown that is fixed to only one supporting tooth, as for a winged bridge, you only need one natural tooth next to the missing tooth space.

Dental bridge in Turkey supported by implants:

As the name suggests, implant-supported bridges use dental implants instead of crowns or frameworks (metal or ceramic), as typically, one implant is surgically placed for each missing tooth, and these implants hold the bridge in place.

If it is not possible to place one implant for each missing tooth, a bridge may contain a suspension bridge between two implant-supported crowns.

An implant-supported bridge is considered the strongest and most stable system, and usually requires two surgeries:

  1. One is to embed implants into the jawbone.
  2. And another to place the bridge supports.

What are the alternative solutions to dental bridges in Turkey?

  1. Dental implants in Turkey are a surgical procedure that involves implanting artificial roots in the jaw to install replacement teeth and these roots provide great stability and closely resemble natural teeth.
  2. Zirconium crowns are used as an alternative to a dental bridge in Turkey in cases of single tooth loss, as Zirconium is a strong, stain-resistant material that gives a natural and permanent appearance.
  3. This is the traditional option for replacing missing teeth. Removable teeth can be easily removed and cleaned, but may be less stable than other alternatives.

Stages of making a dental bridge in Turkey

  1. During the first visit to get a dental bridge in Turkey, the supporting teeth are prepared and the preparation involves reshaping these teeth by removing (filing) part of the enamel to allow the crown to be placed over them.
  2. Dental impressions are then made, which serve as a model from which bridges are created by the dental laboratory.
  3. Your dentist will make a temporary bridge to wear to protect the exposed teeth and gums while the bridge is prepared by dental technicians
  4. During the second visit, your temporary bridge will be removed and the new porcelain or metal bridge will be inspected and adjusted as necessary to achieve proper fit, as multiple visits may be needed to check the fit of the metal frame and occlusion and this depends on each individual’s condition.
  5. If your dental bridge is a fixed bridge, your dentist may temporarily hold it in place for a few weeks to make sure it fits properly and then after two weeks, the bridge is permanently fixed in place if everything is intact.

Advantages of installing a dental bridge in Turkey

  1. Re-adjust your bite to properly distribute force when chewing.
  2. Prevent the remaining teeth from falling out of place.
  3. Regain your ability to chew and speak properly.
  4. Restore your smile.
  5. Maintain the appearance of your face.

Risks and disadvantages of installing a dental bridge in Turkey

  1. If you care for your bridge properly, it can last for many years without side effects and the bridge may fail if the surrounding teeth decay or if the bridge’s adhesive cement disintegrates.
  2. If the bridge has become loose and the supporting teeth are still healthy and intact, your doctor may be able to reattach it with cement.

How to take care of a dental bridge?

  1. It is especially important to prevent tooth decay and diseases of the gums and supporting tissues that can lead to tooth loss.
  2. Use a special type of floss called “dental floss” that allows you to move the floss between the bridge and the gums.
  3. Visiting your dentist regularly can help detect problems early, when treatment will be more successful.
  4. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and fiber, and try to limit fibrous foods like meat.

Will it be difficult to eat with a dental bridge?

Replacing missing teeth with a dental bridge makes eating easier, but until you get used to the bridge, eat soft foods cut into small pieces.


In conclusion, installing a dental bridge in Turkey is an important solution to the problem of tooth loss and improving the beauty of the smile and the function of the mouth, as it is a medical procedure that relies on modern techniques and high-quality materials to ensure the best results and whether you are suffering from the loss of single or multiple teeth, a dental bridge can provide the right solution for you and by working with a specialist dentist and consulting about your personal situation, you can be sure that you will find the perfect solution for your needs.

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